
About The Saturday Movie Blog

Hey, my name is Chris.

This is me, at the gym… which is in no way related to this site… but I want to show that I am not a stereotypical movie nerd.

If I wanted to prove that  I would have used this picture instead

In real life I run 3 businesses and a personal brand and have done pretty well for myself. in the roughly 8 years since I went full time at it.

But that also lead to some problems because I focused on my businesses for so long (and it paid off) that I kind of forgot to focus on Chris for a while.

I would literally wake up, work for 18 hours, then go to sleep.

Eventually it licked that I needed to make some changes and start growing as a person again.

Part of that involved getting some hobbies… but I didn’t even know what I was interested in anymore outside of work.

So on May 14th, 2022 I took the day off and ended up going to the mall.

That’s the day I picked up 2 different hobbies.

The first was Funko Pop collecting.

I saw this this guy at Gamestop and decided to pick it up.

I didn’t know what an addiction that would turn out to be… but that’s not what this site is about.

That’s what my other hobby blog Funkopreneur is about haha.

I also went to see Dr. Strange Multiverse of Madness that night.

I’ve always enjoyed movies but I only went 3-4 times a year at most.

I felt so much better after that night and that night that I turned my life around pretty quickly.

The next day I changed everything around in my home, and threw away a whole bunch of stuff I no longer needed.

I also started taking my health more seriously and lost 45lbs. over the next few months.

The other thing I started doing was the same ritual that I did that Saturday.

Buying a few… to a LOT of Funko Pops, eating a couple slices of pizza as a cheat meal, and going to a movie.

I enjoy movies even when the movie isn’t great… so it rarely got boring.

Since then I have seen around 75 – 85 movies.

(Sadly I don’t know exactly but I estimate doing this 3 times a month)

Its become a ritual I look forward to most of the time and has really helped me enjoy my life more.

I can’t make it every week… sometimes I have a work commitment, sometimes I have a social commitment (if you get my meaning), and sometimes I just don’t feel like it.

So somewhere along the line I had the idea to do this blog.

In “real life” my career revolves around internet marketing, software development, and SEO.

It all started with a blog about cord cutting back when that was a novel concept.

Somewhere along the line that became work, and that’s great its lead to an amazing life…

…but part of me misses blogging, writing, and making content that has absolutely no responsibility or monetary objective, or worrying about SEO.

Just something to do for fun and share with others.

So after thinking about it for a few months I finally pulled the trigger and launched this blog.

I regret not doing it sooner since I have 2 years of movies I don’t have a review for… I may go back and review some of them on off weeks just to backfill it some.

But in the meantime I will start posting a recap of every movie I see every week, sometime before I see the next one for as long as it is fun for me.

So I hope you will follow along and enjoy the reviews and maybe the occasional other piece, and maybe even share it with family, friends, or people you don’t like.

See you at the theatre.

