
Spoiler Policy

Some people get really upset about spoilers.

In the past I have purposely found out what happened on TV shows that people were fanatical about like The Walking Dead and posted on Facebook the spoiler just to piss people off.

That should tell you two things.

  1. I am SUPER mature.
  2. Where I stand on spoilers.

But I understand that some people do so with that in mind…

…I don’t care. I am going to write reviews with spoilers.

If that bothers you, this may not be the site for you… you should go read Rotten Tomatoes or something.

Having said that I won’t post them on the home page, so if you come to the site directly you will have to click into a particular review to be spoiled… but if you land on a review form a search engine… sorry, you may be spoiled.

So consider this fair warning, all reviews contain detailed spoilers.